Marchand Institute’s Newest Paper Looks at Novel Uterine Artery Embolization Practices in China

Recently our researchers discovered some very novel practices being undertaken in China, where Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE), which is usually reserved for the treatment of Uterine Fibroids, is being used to treat Cesarean Scar Ectopic Pregnancies (CSP). We assembled the data we could find to offer this interesting look into these novel procedures taking place…

Marchand Institute’s Research on Marijuana in Pregnancy featured in New Report from the Heritage Foundation

The Marchand Institute noted this week a brilliantly written new report “Twenty-First Century Illicit Drugs and Their Discontents: The Potential Risks that Cannabis Use by Pregnant and Nursing Women Pose to Their Children,” by Paul J. Larkin. This report and opinion on the status of cannabis use by pregnant woman addresses a very concerning topic,…

Two Marchand Institute Research Papers Selected for Oral Presentation at AAGL 2022

We are delighted to announce that two of our research papers, “Meta-Analysis of Veress Needle Entry Versus Direct Trocar Entry in Gynecologic Surgery” and “Meta-Analysis Of Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy Vs. Robotic Assisted Radical Hysterectomy For Early Stage Cervical Cancer” have been accepted for oral presentation at the AAGL Global Congress in Aurora, Colorado in December…

New Article Comparing Veress Needle Usage to Direct Trocar Entry

Our newest article gets back to the basics of MIGS with “Systematic review and meta-analysis of Veress needle entry versus direct trocar entry in gynecologic surgery,” which is now available free online at BMJ Surgery, Intervention and Health Technologies.  You can see the full article here: or read it on the government’s PubMed site…

Lets Go Brandon Token

Marchand Institute Officially Accepts $LETSGO Crypto Coin as Payment for All Services

Following the success of accepting Bitcoin and Ethereum, effective immediately we will begin accepting the highest performing new coin, LETS GO BRANDON ($LETSGO) You can learn more about the coin at Please see an important Tweet about this coin here: Please use the correct contract: 0xa6586e19ef681b1ac0ed3d46413d199a555dbb95 While we understand that paying by crypto…

Power Morcellator

Marchand Institute’s Newest Research on Morcellation now Available Online!

The Marchand Institute recently performed the largest meta-analysis to date on power morcellation in hysterectomy and myomectomy. The paper has recently been published online by a major medical journal. You can read the abstract online on NIH’s PubMed Website here: You can also read the full paper online here: