Marchand Institute Presents Three Papers at The Arizona American College of Surgeons 2019 Annual Chapter Meeting

Congratulations to our brilliant clinical researchers who presented three papers at the September 20-22th Annual Chapter Meeting of the Arizona American College of Surgeons Annual Meeting! We are extremely proud of our clinical researchers for their work. Presentations dealt with gynecologic surgery, including surgical techniques and appropriate patient counselling. Although we do not have video…

Mimic Da Vinici (™) Robotic Simulator

Marchand Institute Opens Advanced Robotic and Laparoscopic Surgical Simulation Laboratory

To compliment our already existing fellowship program, as well as enhance our surgical research and compliment our educational programs for medical students and residents, we are very excited to announce the completion of our Simulation Laboratory. This is the most advanced Surgical Simulation Laboratory in the USA incorporating both advanced laparoscopic and robotic simulators. Although…

Marchand Institute sought for Expert Opinion after Unfortunate Incident Involving Newborn Occurs at Chandler Hospital

When an unfortunate incident occurred involving accidentally dropping a newborn on her head soon after delivery, local and national news stations sought out our physicians at the Marchand Institute for an expert opinion. Dr. Marchand strongly sympathizes with the family, and helps that his expertise can give some assistance to those trying to make sense…